Q: The Great Awakening is Upon Us

This is part 4 of a 4 part series introducing the Q Phenomenon. | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

In Part 2 of this series, we provided ample proof that Q must be an integral part of the Trump administration and a key channel that POTUS uses to communicate to his supporters in depth outside of mainstream fake news media. Given that the public has such limited access to truthful information, and Q is still anonymous with very little corroborating information from news sources or official government communications (so far), what should we do with this information dump? What can really be believed? What if Q is legitimately who they say they are, but the whole operation is a big psy-op designed to instill false hope and further mislead the country?

Given what has been verified so far, there are only two possibilities:

  • Q (and hence the Trump administration) is spearheaded by white hat patriots who really are rooting out criminal behavior across the US and taking control back from the elite deep-state establishment and returning power and prosperity to the people. The illegal activity ranges from US-backed terror regimes, treason, industrial and banking fraud at unimaginable levels, massive sex crimes, human trafficking and pedophile networks. This really is a war between good and evil and who controls the country and the world for the next several decades.
  • Q could be a psy-op and the public will be disappointed again, and the highest-level of the Illuminati will stay intact, and may, in fact, be controlling Trump through this campaign. The Q psy-op will be one more disinformation campaign to get the public to go along with fundamental changes the elite need to put in place, especially as we go through an economic collapse and break-up of existing orders (like the EU, a bi-polar world, etc.). Can the controls of the international banking cartel really be removed after over 100 years of FED and other central bank control? If we remove the deep state, can we remove the Illuminati and the Satanic cabal at the top of the pyramid, or is this too much of a fantasy?

I believe reality lies somewhere in the middle, unfortunately. I think we are at war, and the ultimate victory may not yet be clear, even though the good guys appear to have the upper hand in many areas for now. Q does not speak with complete confidence at all times. The undercurrents in Q messages request us to pray, the uncertainty of some operations, and the depths of depravity that even we, the most informed, can’t yet imagine.

I do believe Q, Trump and the white hats in the military and across the government are sincere patriots. They believe in the Constitution and limited forms of government. They want to protect the rights of the weak, and they are not motivated by riches, fame or power. I believe they understand the cabal we are up against and their designs to control the world through corruption and monopoly power. I believe that God is ultimately in control, and is operating according to His plan, but God has allowed Luciferian powers to be in firm control of this planet for a long time. Whether Q and the white hat team are enough to completely root out the evil remains to be seen.

But, at minimum, the Q phenomenon has been a tremendous, earth-shaking event that has enlightened millions of people to the battle at hand. It has given hope to many that had lost faith, and galvanized an army of patriots that are coming together and making progress in a battle they now think they can win. Very soon, I think very nearly every man, woman and child will know what has been going on in the world and will recognize the evil in our midst for the first time in their lives. I believe that crimes of the highest order by elected officials in recent administrations and all branches of government will be exposed and perpetrators WILL be held accountable. Even if this is a short-term reprieve only, it will be the biggest news and turning point for this country and the world since the Kennedy assassination.

I believe that the Q phenomenon and the Great Awakening will be going mainstream very soon. Much like Watergate was constantly in the news in 1973-4, and everyone wondered who Deep Throat was, I believe the unsealing of the indictments and arrests of thousands of well-known perpetrators will shake the public to their core, and everyone will want to know the identity of Q. The following post from May, 2018, has been reposted periodically to encourage Anons. Major revelations must now be getting close.

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Critical in upcoming months that will help this Q phenomenon go mainstream are the elections. Q and the white hats are fully aware of the massive amounts of election fraud in prior years. And not just illegal unvetted voters, busing across state lines or Russian hacking. But actual vote flipping with controllable voting machines and I’m sure even more. This will be made public in upcoming Inspector General reports and the upcoming midterms will have to be monitored and the fraud removed. The recent attempts to move to mail-in voting amid the Covid-19 crisis is clearly targeted at this end.

The deep state’s only hope is to take back Congress and finally impeach Trump. Otherwise the indictments move forward and the swamp gets drained further. Many bad actors are literally fighting for their lives to ensure the Trump allies don’t remain in power after the elections.

But, more importantly, Q has made us a very large promise. I believe whether that promise is kept will be the ultimate factor in how the Q phenomenon is viewed historically and the real sincerity and power of the Q team and Trump administration. Right now, the country is divided like never before in history. The divide between the right and left has grown enormously and, at times, violently. The now reminds me of the scene from the movie Gandhi where the Moslems and Hindus were migrating back and forth in giant columns between India and Pakistan with skirmishes breaking out along the routes as the country was divided by religion.


It almost feels like the progressive and conservative factions of the US both need their own countries and we should just divide it up and go to our separate corners and run the place as each sees fit. But Q has promised this will all change. We will be one country. I take this to mean that the behind the scenes war against the deep state will have come completely to light, and people will no longer be divided as progressive and conservative, but aligned for good against evil. The false doctrines which kept us divided will fall away, and most of the perpetrators removed from power.

Unfortunately for Q followers, events have taken much longer to play out than we initially assumed. The complexity of the battle from our eyes was easily underestimated. Q also needed to provide overly optimistic target dates for events, as we have seen, to force the deep state to use limited ammunition. The initial 11.11.18 date from drop 1234 has passed without much additional awakening (unless that is code for something else?). Prior to the 2020 elections we are told there is a Trump card. What will that tell us about? Surely, most of the country will need to be awake prior to the elections! We shall see. Trust the Plan.


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There is another aspect of The Great Awakening and the draining of the swamp that cannot be discounted. Eventually the people will realize how they have been lied to by the mainstream corporate media, who really is a corporate extension of the deep state. This has already become more obvious to tens of millions since the start of the initial Q posts and the education efforts of Anons across social media.

If you don’t know about Project Mockingbird, where over many years the CIA placed dozens of assets into \media positions to help control the narrative of the deep state, now would be a good time to understand how this relationship works. Rather than go into much more detail here, I encourage you to watch another outstanding Q video on the public turning away from the Mockingbird media:

Finally, I believe everyone who has been following Q has been frustrated by the slow pace of visible action against the criminals we know exist (except No Name whose fate is not fully public). But the depth of corruption and evil is almost unimaginable. It will all take time. Some things will become more visible very quickly, but this process will play out over many years. Much of it will be done out of the public eye.

But, as more and more comes to light and public awareness, I’m sure people will be confused and looking for guidance. Much of what we have been told and taught to believe has been wrong. There will be many more attacks on Q information and the Trump administration. Many people will choose NOT to KNOW. The truth of evil in our world may be too hard to acknowledge. Others will be looking for new leaders, idols and meaning. We can already see that Hollywood has declined in reputation and may never be the same, particularly as more revelations like those in “Out of Shadows” has brought to light. It will be interesting times. (Recall Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times!“).

I hope in some small way this perspective on Q and the Great Awakening sheds some light on this coming transition. If we are going to come together, we need to all help each other through. Reach out your hand to friends, neighbors and family with understanding and patience. There is good in each person’s heart, and those are the flames that must be fanned to brilliance if we are to achieve victory and bring light back to this world! WWG1WGA…

And God bless our patriots fighting now everywhere on our behalf! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Q Glossary and Information Sources

WWG1WGA – “Where we go one, we go all”. Made popular in the 1996 Jeff Bridges movie, “White Squall”, and perhaps also a JFK slogan from his boat. Signifying we are all in this battle together. Reaffirming loyalty and honor in the face of adversity.

You have more than you know – Q clues require a lot of research and attention to detail. There’s a reason why the most detailed researchers call themselves “autists” or autistic. I’m sure we haven’t pulled out all the microscopic details of codes, time stamps, and photos to see the larger picture we are allowed to understand. It’s frustrating that the communication has to be this way at times, but its strong encouragement for the army of anons to keep digging.

Enjoy the show – Something important is about to go down. Enjoy the news and the research!

Future proves past – Some clues don’t make sense now, but they will confirm foreknowledge upon future events. Keep watching!

Happy Hunting – Q has just dropped a clue that will require detailed research and encourages Anons to get on with it.

Q+ – Some of the posts are signed Q+ instead of Q. Similarly, we don’t know who Q+ is, but it is widely speculated that it is Trump himself. Those posts certainly carry a broader perspective and a more authoritative tone.

The More You Know… – A bit of a troll on NBC’s tag line, and noting the wonderful insights we have from following Q.

These people are stupid… – A frequent theme, but the arrogance of the deep state, never thinking they would lose power, never have to answer for their crimes, caused them to make many mistakes. (This is usually the case with people who reach power undeservedly). Also, “These people are SICK…”, usually referring to the pedophiles.

Trust the Plan – Events and actors may not appear to make sense right now. Some of it is disinformation. Some of it is because full details cannot yet be revealed. But trust the plan, the bigger picture. We are in control and trust events will eventually play out the right way.

We have it all – Q frequently informs followers not to worry about missing evidence, destroyed emails, bleach-bit servers. The team, like in the NSA, has it all. All the evidence needed prosecute the perpetrators. This includes HRC emails, the sickening videos on Weiner’s laptop, all of their communications through Google doc drafts, and even ham radio communication they thought could evade detection.


7 thoughts on “Q: The Great Awakening is Upon Us

  1. Thanks for the QAnon series & links for those of us who had heard but did not really know much of the details.

    __”Brother Nathanael” of RealJewNews site (a Jewish convert to Russian Orthodox Church) has always signed his initials as BN+ with the + meaning the Cross of Christ. So maybe that’s what Q+ means as well(?) Has Q ever claimed to be a Christian?

    __Since I’m reading w/Images turned Off, I’m not seeing your graphics. Do you have the photo from one of Trump’s more recent rallies where a guy near front row has on a shirt with a big Q on the front if it, & he is standing up & Trump is nearby pointing to the guy? Funny photo! You should add it to your blog if you haven’t already.

    __One of the concerns re Trump that those of us long-awake to the Luciferians aka Illuminati aka Cabalist Jews aka Military Industrial Complex aka Etc. Etc. behind the scenes, is that blasted “Inverted Pyramid” (aka “As Above So Below” Jewish Mysticism/Kabbalah, aka Female Sex Organs symbol) hand sign that Trump has been flashing for YEARS. One of the earliest pics of him doing it is on the cover of his book, Art of The Deal, all through the years & even with Putin recently.
    __He also constantly does the supposed “OK” = 666 hand sign.
    __And there are some photos of him doing Masonic Handshakes with various leaders (thumb on 2nd knuckle).
    __Plus there’s an old photo of him & his father standing side-by-side in an office doing the “arms crossed over chest” Masonic sign.

    So even though many of us do like Trump & very much hope he is the Real Deal, it’s difficult if not impossible to ignore his “Secret Society” hand-signaling.
    __You guys should ask Q at his next Q&A re Trump & his aggravating (to us) hand signs.

    __Lastly, in recent weeks I saw comments at the very popular ConservativeTreeHouse wirdpress blog that their Admin., “Sundance,” (@TheLastRefuge2) had banned any QAnon discussion or QAnon info in Comments.
    __Yet, oddly, the phrase “Trust The Plan” is often used by Admin./Sundance & commenters alike.

    __Ask Q also, why does Trump backtrack such as recent backstepping his comments re Intel Community after he denounced them at Putin meeting but then kowtowed back home.
    __Sometimes it seems hopeless & that Deep State or whichever evil overlords control Trump, &/or that he has always been “one of them” & is merely working the one-half of the Dialectic (anti-thesis) to move the USA & world toward “Synthesis.”

    __PS: People are also sick of waiting on #SlowWalker Sessions to DO something, big or small, such as all the street-level Leftie crimes, assaults, harassments vs. Common Folks.

    Thanks again for the summary series!


    1. Thank you for great questions… and I’m so glad people are getting something out of this. I knew the news would be complete disinfo, so felt the timing was right to put a tutorial together…

      I won’t say I don’t disagree with some of the skepticism you raise about Trump. I have noted his affiliations and perhaps things left undone in the past as well. The only thing I have to say is that I don’t think Trump is the mastermind of this AT ALL. I think he is the CEO or face of the franchise. But he’s not the driving force. And he’s for sure replaceable in the big scheme of things. Not sure with who, but others are out there. So his past allegiance to any secret society is really not much of a concern to me. Someone I know who claims to have high level insider contacts says that Admiral Rogers of the NSA will be hailed as a hero 200 years from now. So take that FWIW!

      I have seen the Q shirt photo you mentioned, and pointed out the Trump’s Q confirmation in his speech today in today’s latest post, “From Sea to Shining Sea”. More will be coming. The media’s attempt to discredit Q now is in preparation for Trump to finally publicize the link officially I believe.

      I love Brother Nathaneal and you could be right about the + sign. Q must be a Christian, he often encourages us to pray and his convictions are consistent with Christianity.

      To most of your other comments, I would say that politics is a deep and dark activity. You have to change your position publicly depending on the audience and what you need to accomplish. We can never know who is really doing why, or why Trump feels the need to backtrack. I don’t operate that way, but politics in my career is considerably more straightforward. I am only partially comfortable giving some of these guys the benefit of the doubt, particularly Sessions. But Q has post Trust Session and Trust Wray, so I’ll withhold judgement.


  2. I don’t only like this – I LOVE it. Have always thought Sessions was doing something in the background because he is such a decent man. I’m thinking it’s going to come out that he’s a good guy, mainly because Trump hasn’t fired him. I’m beginning to get it!!


      1. I just found this somehow(??) and you are very welcome. Just ran across a link you may have already seen, but all I can say is “WOW”. Deep details here! https://powerglobal.us/2018/08/12/the-trump-dossier-who-really-wrote-it-read-the-full-story-behind-this-dirty-little-document/. I kinda think Q knows all of this. I also think Trump does as well. Why else would he be refurbishing Gitmo and setting up Military Tribunals? All involved are going down! Praise the Lord!!


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